Welcome to Empower Weight Loss

We help women over 30 to lose weight and then keep it off.

Like Alison, who lost 16kg and has kept it off for 2 years now.

Most diets just work on the food you eat and the exercise you do.

I will cover these, but I will also teach you how to manage your thoughts around food.

Because when we learn to manage our thoughts around food, then we don’t:

  • crave food all of the time,
  • feel out of control around some foods
  • feel the need to overeat at social events
  • feel the need to binge eat

I will show you how to have a stress-free relationship with food.

And I will teach you how to build a lifestyle that will mean you can lose your weight and keep it off.



Mary G

“Not only have I lost weight doing this course, but my thinking is so much clearer around food. I finally feel like I have some control”

(Lost 15kgs over 3 challenges)

Kathryn L

“I have lost my weight and got to goal. And if I can do it, you can do it”

(Lost 13.4kgs over 3 challenges).