Welcome to Empower Weight Loss

We help women over 30 lose weight and then keep it off.

Like Alison, who lost 16kg and has kept it off for 2 years now.

If you are here, on this page, then you want to lose weight.

Your reasons for wanting to lose weight might be:

    • You want to fit your clothes better, or go down a dress size or two.
    • You want to be healthier.
    • You want to have more confidence in how you look.
    • Or something else

There are lots of reasons that you might want to lose weight.

Whatever your reason is, we can give you the tools to make it happen.

Clare lost over 21kgs on this program.

Losing weight does not have to be hard . . . Or boring. It can be simple and fun.

And best of all, we can teach you how to keep your weight off.

No more yo-yo dieting.

No more going hungry or going hard, so that you can lose weight . . . only to put it all back on again in a very short time. 

The cost is only $24 per week (the price of one take away meal!!). We have deliberately kept the price low so that it is affordable to lots of New Zealand women. But we are also very focused on keeping the program content at a fabulously high standard so that our members get incredible value.

And YES, this small amount gets you everything from a personal weekly coaching session to free online workshops, nutrition advice, a library of weight loss education videos, a weekly workbook, exercise suggestions and workout videos.

Our program has worked for many, many women. Not only helping them lose their excess weight, but also teaching them how to keep that weight off.

In just over 2 years the ladies on this program have lost a combined weight of over 800kgs!!!

Some have lost over 20kgs. Some have lost 3 – 5kgs. Everyone has different goals.


These are all of the ladies who are in our 7kg club.

This means they have lost 7kgs or more in the last 2 years.

Our program offers:

1.  Personal weekly weigh-ins and weight loss coaching sessions. This gives you a chance to discuss your own personal weight loss challenges. It also keeps you accountable. And accountability is one of the keys to successful weight loss for most people.These are either on zoom, or in person (if you live in Hamilton NZ)

2.  A plan to follow, so you can mark off every step of the way. This comes in the form of weekly workbooks that you can fill in. and a video that goes with each workbook.

3.  Access to a member-only website that has a library of weight-loss teaching videos and workshops on many different subjects like:

    • How to lose weight without feeling hungry
    • How to stop binge eating
    • Beating self sabotage
    • How to love yourself more
    • And many more (over 20 workshops and over 100 weight loss teaching videos)

These are all available 24/7 so that you can do them in your own time.

4.  Nutrition advice, to help you choose food that will help you lose weight and eat healthy.

5.  Exercise suggestions and workout videos. These include Yoga classes, beginner workouts, and much more. These are all on line and you can do them at home, any time that suits you.


Hear from women just like you who have transformed their lives

with our programme

Hello, my name is Mel, I have lost 11.9kgs here’s my journey

Hello everyone, my name is Clare, I have lost 12kgs here’s my journey

Hello, my name is Imogen, I have lost 10.5kgs here’s my journey

You can view more of our success stories by Clicking Here.