The secret to getting motivated & staying motivated long enough to get to your goal weight

Do you need more motivation so that you can start your weight loss journey,

& stay with it, long enough to finally reach your goal?

Then this workshop is for you!

In this 15 minute workshop you will learn 11 strategies for creating motivation, and for keeping that motivation, so that  you can lose your weight, once and for all. No more giving up after 3 days. No more quitting on your weight loss dream. Instead I will show you how to keep going, and keep focused, even on the hard days.  …. All the way to goal. 

Valerie B

“Doing this workshop changed everything for me!

I finally understood how to keep my motivation levels high, while I was losing my weight”

(Valerie lost 15kgs in 12 months).


This workshop is packed with helpful, practical information, that you can use right away to get you started on your weight loss journey. The printable worksheet that goes with it, will be an ongoing reminder of all the helpful things that you will learn.

I have taught hundreds of women how to lose weight. And motivation is one of the most important tools that they can have. When anyone joins our program, one of the first things we ask them to do is to watch this very workshop. And since introducing this step, the number of women who successfully lose weight has noticeably increased.

And now you can watch this same workshop absolutely free.

Sarah T

“The motivation workshop made me look at motivation in a completely different way.

I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight”

(Sarah lost 8kgs  in 6 months).